

A few years back, I remember reading a devotional on the YouVersion bible app entitled “ONE WORD.” It was a 4 day read that encouraged you to really narrow down the one word that would be your word for the upcoming year. This was a popular download and it’s probably still there.

I like the simplicity yet strong focus of it. Just think about it. One word! Just one word. What’s your one word this year? If you’re like me…then you probably have about as many words on your mind as the picture above. We’re constantly force fed information everyday. And with the prominent place of social media in our society…the information of ads, updates, promotions, posts, sales, family trips, etc keeps piling up by the day.

Now this blog isn’t to force you to find your one word. I do however think that if you took the time to do that…it would really help bring some focus to your productivity in 2018. I still haven’t found my one word for 2018 but “Intentional” is up there as one of my possibilities for sure.


As a matter of fact…this blog is a by product of me being intentional. If you read my last post, then you know where I’m coming from. A big goal of mine was to start writing again. My goal isn’t to get a huge following. It’s not to build my social media platform. It’s to just get me writing again. That’s all. I think that goal will probably change along the way or maybe in 2019…but for now i want to keep it simple, I want to write.

There are a few other thing I want to do as well and I know that in order for those things to happen…it’ll take some intentionality on my part. It’s not just going to happen. That goes with a few other areas in my life right now as well:

  • I desire to take my personal study life to a deeper level.
  • I desire to take courses on a few subjects that I feel will increase my skill
  • I desire to get away with my wife to at least one marriage seminar this year
  • I desire to read and finish at least two books a month this year. (emphasis on finish)
  • I desire to move into a bigger house this year (at least one with 2 bathrooms)
  • I desire to develop a plan of action to tackle the debt in my life.

This is not a complete list but i know it all starts with me writing things down and then developing a plan of action while at the same time keeping things in priority. But overall…the common denominator in all these goals…is being INTENTIONAL! Hope that you will take that challenge in your life as well too.

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Filed under Personal Growth, Personal Reflection, Purpose, Writing

Back At It


It’s been awhile since I sat down to write a blog post.  I don’t even have to look to know that it’s easily been over two years since I last put up a post. And that’s a big No-No for anyone that wants to build any type of following on their blog.

I guess you could say that writing blogs, poems, etc was the beginning of what is now my everyday life. Today you’d still find me behind a computer but I do more graphic design, camera work, web development and video editing as a 9-5. I never would of guessed that’s what I would be doing when I first put pen to paper.

Years ago, I could have easily filled up a page writing by hand or even on WORD…and while I think I could still do that, my life has took a dramatic turn. Not in a bad way but it’s just “different.”


This blog post won’t be long but it will be a step toward getting back to writing. After reading a few good books and being inspired from such authors like Michael Hyatt, Donald Miller, Seth Godin, Malcolm Galdwell, Mark Batterson and several others…I think I really want to get back into expressing myself. A big desire I had years ago was to publish a book…a goal that is much easier than it sounds…but not impossible.

Some things that had stopped me were:

  • Time: Instead of making the time, I just let the demands around me take me away from one of my true passions.
  • Excuses: I think I kept telling myself that all too familiar “tomorrow” and always made time for other things that were important. It’s not greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it.
  • Creativity Overload: Not sure if that would be exactly how to describe it…but that’s usually what I tell people when I have to be creative with more than 5 projects at one time. There can be a pressure or standard with being creative that makes it unattractive to even start.
  • Lack of Margin: This is probably a repeat of time but i found that in the past…I had a lot more “extra time” if that even makes sense. Maybe I got busier. Maybe I got better in my field which created a demand for more of my time to be given to what I now do…but the bottom line is that I created more space to write in the past.

So, if you happened to stumble across this page by accident or on purpose then let me start by saying “welcome” and I hope that what you find here will be witty, insightful, honest and worth your time. In the past, I tended to post poems, thoughts on good reads, random thoughts and daily life. My name is Rob, some people call me Big Rob, Media Rob and some even Staff Rob…but you can just call me Rob. Hope you like what you read…

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The Dream is Mightier Than the Sword


This one goes out to all the dreamers out there.  “The Dream is Mightier Than the Sword.” The famous saying goes…the pen is mightier than the sword for all you history buffs taking the time to read this blog. So I’d dare to say that a written dream (aka pen) is mightier than the sword.  Have you taken the time to reflect on where you’d like to be by the time next year starts? I feel like the entire month of January, I couldn’t think about anything else. But seriously, what about you?  Have you been dreaming? Or daydreaming? Both require the same amount of time…but one will actually take you in the direction of something.  What that something is will be different for you than it is for me.  I have my own life to live. My own decisions to make.


I heard one time that “paper never forgets.” I don’t know about you, but my memory isn’t what it used to be.  I have sat in many preachings, teachings, leadership trainings, one on one counseling sessions, classes & lectures…and I think I have forgotten so much.  But there’s something about writing things down that helps to keep things fresh in our mind.  As “repetition is the mother of all learning”…it’s good to keep your goals in front of you. Do you have goals? I’m sure you do.  But have you written them down? Do you have a bucket list? This is something I started doing a few years ago (wish I would of done this a long time ago) and it’s helped guide my life like a compass.  There are just some things that I don’t do as a discipline because it will take me away from where I know I’m called to go in life.  “If you don’t have a target, you’ll hit it every time.”

I remember hearing that above quote when I was younger.  I guess after seeing “Saving Mr. Banks”, a lot of old Disney movies have come to mind.  But this quote is so true.  What are you wishing for? I actually took the time to write some of my goals this year.  And after showing them to different people…I kept getting a similar response “yeah…you should be able to do all that.” I started to think that maybe I was aiming too low.  On the other hand, knowing you can do something and actually doing it are two separate things.  I’m sure some of you reading are thinking the same thing about this blog. Dream? “Yes, of course I have dreams.” “Yeah, I should write them down. But I’m busy.” “Yes, I know I should do that.” Well, knowing and doing are two separate things.  This is your life we’re talking about.  Take the time to dream a little today.


As I’ve past the 30 year mark, I’ve seen so many of my friends that once had some spectacular dreams…give up on them.  I know life happens, we adjust and things don’t always go according to plan.  I’ve had to understand that things are always subject to change over the past 10 years (man…where did the time go). All that to say, time stops for no one.  If you don’t start dreaming today…when are you going to start?

I’ll post my dreams in my next blog…but this one is about you. What are your dreams?  After some feedback, I want to add some to my list.  More than anything, I want to see some impossibilities come to pass this year.  Things that I can’t just do in my own strength. What about you?


Filed under Life, Personal Growth, Personal Reflection, Purpose, Time

Weed ’em & Reap

clipart no fruit

“Then he told this parable: ‘ A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘ For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ “Sir,’ the man replied, ‘ leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertile it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.”


Fruit = “the effect or consequence of an action or operation” or “a product of fertilization.”

“Is this idea of the non-fruit bearing Christian something that we have concocted in order to make Christianity easier?…so that we can follow our own course while still calling ourselves followers of Christ?” – Francis Chan

This parable refers to God’s people.  He chose them, made them a people near him, gave them certain advantages for knowing & serving him above any other people, and expected results.  And the same relates to you and I today.  God has made us a special people…a separated people…and when he comes to examine our lives, he EXPECTS to see fruit.

be fruitful

Why Jesus expects fruit:

  1. We’re planted in a GOOD VINEYARD – This fig tree had the advantage of being planted in a vineyard.  Most fig trees grew by the way side (left to themselves, soil unknown & unattended to)…but in the vineyard…there was good soil & a gardener who would tend to it & fertilize it often.  For you and I, God has planted us in good soil (church, house, family, ministry, etc.) He planted you in good soil. You should be proud of where you come from but there should also be signs that you come from there too!
  2. The VINEYARD belonged to a certain MAN – we too belong to a man who paid a price for us to be here.  The pastor of our church paid a price. Those who have gone before use have paid a price so we could be here. And Jesus paid the ultimate price for us and expects fruit as his disciples (John 15:8&16). If you had a plant and took the time to care for it daily, made sure it had enough sunlight & nutrition…eventually you would expect to see fruit on it.  That’s what is expected of us too.
  3. LEAVES are not FRUIT – don’t get the too confused.  Leaves are a good start.  Leaves show that there is progress…but it’s not fruit.  Leaves are a sign that fruit is coming but it’s not fruit.  We can’t just show signs of fruit but not have any in our lives.  Don’t be satisfied with leaves this year.  The owner wasn’t even looking for a lot of fruit…just some…but found none.  Let us not stay in the same place for 3 years without signs of growth in our lives.  The grass is not greener on the other side…but it’s greener where you water it.  You might need to see what areas of your life you’ve been watering to see if you have fruit or weeds.

Till next time my friend….

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Filed under Personal Growth, Personal Reflection

Dreaming Out Loud


“A goal is a dream set to paper, don’t just think it – ink it!”

Just recently I picked up a book that has really been bringing a lot of old dreams back to my mind.  I think this is really going to be a year when I start to pursue my dreams again.  What about you? It was close to five years ago when I received one of the best birthday gifts ever…it really changed my life.  It really challenged me to live my life with a purpose on purpose.


It was a book.  I’m a reader so I’m always into a good book.  But this was different.  It was more like a work book.  If you’re like me, then when I usually get a book like this…I start out with lots of ambition.  I’ll really take my time, reflecting on each point.  I’ll even write my answers neatly…hoping not to damage the newness of the book.  But within a few weeks…sometimes quicker, I’ll move on to something else.  But this one was different.  I actually read, thought and wrote down my thoughts.  The book had a big number “5” on the cover with a small subtitle below which read, “Where will you be five years from today?” Now almost five years later…I’m writing this blog post.  Time sure does fly.

As a new year approaches, I’ve been taking the time to think about the future and all that it holds.  I remember graduating high school almost as if it were yesterday…ok, maybe not that soon but it doesn’t seem like it was over 10 years ago…lol. But yup, it’s been over 10 years.  A lot changes in 10 years.  Life has a way of hitting us and we all respond in different ways.  I don’t want to take you on my journey…that’d be a novel in itself.  But I did write down some goals a few years ago that continue to be goals for me. And I’d like to challenge you to do the same today as well.


“According to Dave Kohl, professor emeritus at Virginia Tech., people who regularly write down their goals earn nine times as much over their lifetimes as the people who don’t, and yet 80% of Americans say they don’t have goals. Sixteen percent do have goals, but they don’t write them down. Less than four percent write down their goals, and fewer than one percent actually review them on an ongoing basis.”

Here were some goals I wrote down over 4 years ago (I’m guilty of not reviewing them on an ongoing basis):

  1. I want to write a book (one poetry and one on discipleship)
  2. I want to direct a movie
  3. I want to help build a model youth group
  4. I want to have a great credit score
  5. I want to be debt-free
  6. I want to get married before I’m 30
  7. I want to continue my education and get my BA, Master’s and Doctorate degrees
  8. I want to visit: (Niagra Falls, Seattle, Hawaii, Paris, Naples, Rome, Amsterdam, London, El Salvador & Jerusalem)
  9. I want to disciple 100 young men
  10. I want to speak Spanish, Dutch & Korean fluently
  11. I want to live a healthy life
  12. I want to read all the books I own

*If you’re close to me, you’ll know exactly how many I have achieved…or should I say how many I haven’t.  It’s a challenge for me and you’re more than welcome to join in pursuing your dreams this year.  I’m just simply dreaming out loud.

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Filed under Random Thoughts

Dare to Dream



The past behind, but the future is bright,

Take some time of reflection to start this year off right.

As you jot down goals, I’m sure there are tons,

But to be realistic and successful, I dare you to choose one.

It could be to finish a project, work on a relationship or get out of debt,

This could be the year you finally step out and sing a solo or maybe a duet.

For the writers out there, you might want to publish that book,

Or like the majority of America you’ll hit the gym to change how you look.

It could be to visit family, start a business or get stronger in your faith,

The choice is yours! Just do whatever it takes.

Don’t put a goal down then it disappears in a few weeks,

That’s why before you write anything down…please take some time to think.

This is your future, so how do you want it to look?

Do you want a finished product or something half cooked?

Someone once told me that if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail,

I understand there’s a bigger picture, but what about the detail?

A long journey always begins with one small step,

So the ball’s in your court, what are you going to do next?

Will this just be another year that you simply survive?

Or could this be the year when your wildest dreams come alive?

What’s the one thing that you can change starting today?

Is it your attitude, your energy level or watching what you say?

Life isn’t just going to change with a little hocus pocus,

But it’s going to take you getting serious and staying focused.

It’s your life and with God’s help you’ll start living your dreams,

He’s the Alpha & Omega, but we have to live in the in between.

So let’s make this year different from those before,

And the first way is to aim at what we’re shooting for.

2013 is going to be a great year, but it’s up to you…

Will you make the changes needed or will this be 2012 all over again: Part 2?


Filed under Poems

Spiritual Battle


If you’re a solider for Christ, you’re in this battle for life,

About reaching the lost, so put up a fight.

Where to begin, number one rule…get rid of sin.

Cause on your own strength, there’s no way you can ever win.

We need God to prepare the hearts, so get down on your knees to do your part,

We need that strength & protection when we’re hit with fiery darts.

Be focused, don’t fuss…it could be guilt, greed, envy, sloth or lust,

But one’s things for sure, an offensive attack is a must.

We can’t sit around, see all those we love tied down,

Me and you need to act…and that time is NOW.

Don’t listen to what others say, don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today,

Choose to follow Christ because he is the only way.

He is the only way to our father, not to mention the only one who will take us farther,

He loves us all like we’re his sons and daughters.

But what will we do with that affection, are we the only ones who deserve that attention?

We need to show them acceptance cause the world has showed them rejection.

Who’s going to lead them, don’t we want to expand the kingdom?

Take people from a life of bondage to experiencing true freedom.

So strap on your armor, ready to fight like a mighty warrior,

Keep one thing in mind, don’t stop swinging till it’s over.

Our enemy we can’t see, cause our battle isn’t against flesh but principalities.

But each battle won takes us closer to global victory.

Retreat is not an option, that’s like preparing your personal coffin,

So I pray right now hard hearts will be softened.

Can’t look at what we lack, need to go forward without looking back,

We need to be on our toes, cause the enemy could be planning a surprise attack.

He doesn’t fight fair, about your feelings…he doesn’t care,

Stay close to others or you’ll experience what Samson went through when Delilah cut his hair.

Remember to stay humble, cause in this world we live in a jungle.

But that’s enough talking…SO LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!


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Filed under Poems

No Invite…

A phrase to tell your friends/main crew when they go do something super fun/exciting without ever telling you or inviting you and the only way you find out about it via a Facebook places check-in, pictures, videos, a story the next day, etc.

No invite…

As you’re reading this, I’m sure you have come across at least one instance in your own life where you have muttered these two words.  It could of been a few weeks ago, yesterday or maybe even today when everyone is planning to see the second installation of “Breaking Dawn.” But regardless of when it happened, no one likes to be left out.  We love to be part of something bigger than ourselves and connected to others.

That leads me to talk about unity today.  This is a subject that I just got challenged to speak about…and as I reflected on this subject, I realized it was something that God was already dealing with me in.  God loves unity…

How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” – Psalm 133:1

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has one to help him up.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

I [Jesus] do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word, that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You;” – John 17:20

I want to share a few thoughts on areas that God has been challenging me to be united in.

1. United in Vision

What’s the vision God has given you to fulfill in life? Are you going in that direction? What about the people around you? In order to achieve the dream God has given you, you need to first…hear it from him.  But then you need to have a plan of action.  I’ve seen too many people not achieve their dream because they allowed fear to set in, people hold them back, negativity to set in and a number of other things as well.

1 is too small a number to achieve greatness.” You’re not going to be able to fulfill you’re dream alone. The person next to you might be the bridge to achieving your dream.

2. United in Voices

What conversations are you having on a daily basis? Are they uplifting? The bible says that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.  And whether you’re saying it out loud or in your head…it’s in your heart first.  Division starts subtly…it usually begins with a thought or a comment. I realized not too long ago that I was really bitter with a lot of people.  I didn’t even realize where it came from but I had let it build up.

Misery loves company…so you have to be careful what and who you’re surrounding yourself with. One thing I learned was that RELATIONSHIPS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN TASKS. “God does not demand of me that I accomplish great things. He does demand of me that I strive for excellence in my relationships.”

3. United in Victory

I’ve seen that sometimes as people, we’re so quick to comfort people in their struggles, storms and hard times.  Whether it’s through a phone call, loaning someone money, rushing to the hospital or being by their side.  But sometimes the story isn’t the same when someone begins to have a little success.  I’ve seen it with my own eyes where someone got a job and someone’s response was “it’s about time.” Another instance where someone came to church for help…”finally.” We have to be careful not to shoot the wounded.

Our goal should be to help others shine.  I was at the gym the other day and one of the personal trainers really left me speechless.  I was waiting for a treadmill and ready to do my normal workout when she approached me. She said, “I never recommend for someone to wait for a machine. What do you normally do?” After telling her my normal workout, we went to the elliptical machine.  She gave me some advice to give me better results faster.  I was kind of shocked.  My response was, “why are you helping me?” (because it’s not like I paid for her advice). “Because my job is to make you look good.” Wouldn’t that be great if we did that with the relationships in our own life?

Maybe there’s someone that you need to build up today. Don’t put it off. Do something today.  “The longer you to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it.”

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Filed under Personal Growth

Don’t Wake Me Up

It was a normal morning, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.  The sun was rising and beginning to shine through my window as i laid still.  As I glanced to check the time…I knew it was time to get up.  I jumped out of my bed, ready to take the world…or at least the world I knew.  I looked outside my window to catch a sight of what awaited me that day. As I was turning back to my room, something strange caught the corner of my eye.  It took me a second to make out what I was seeing.  I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes because this was something I had never seen before.  I actually thought I was dreaming and after I found out what it was…I wished even more that it had been a dream.  The object that caught my eye is something that most of us can identify in two seconds.  It was a U-Haul truck parked in my drive way.  I stood there speechless as to what was taking place before me.  I saw people walking out of my house with items that belonged to my dad and placing them in the truck. My eight year old brain tried to make sense of the questions that were racing through my head. My heart was pounding and I felt like all I wanted to do was scream but not a single sound left my mouth. “I’m dreaming” was my first reaction.

As I tried to pull myself together, I ran from my corner room of the house towards my parents room.  I knocked once, then twice…then just barged in (that was a no no in my house). I locked eyes with my dad who was changing & packing his last few things. It was probably one of the shortest conversations I ever had with my dad. The question that left my mouth, full of hope and fear took awhile for me to ask.  “…Are you leaving us?” My dad’s eyes began to water as his youngest son stood there awaiting an answer that would change his world forever.  Silence filled the room. After what felt like an eternity, he said, “yes.” As I left the room, I tried to make sense of things. Again, the first thing that came to my mind was, “I’m dreaming. This has to be a dream.” I carried that dream till I was 16. I’m almost double that age today and my parents haven’t spoken since.

I share that story because I have been fascinated with stories since I was younger.  I’d always sit in amazement how speakers would relate the simplest of daily events in a way that would be spiritual, practical and applicable to my life.  This story was about a dream I never had. It was one of those things that you never want someone to go through. Yet, I have learned that pain has a way of fashioning us into better people.  We’re not going to talk about pain…but DREAMS.

Do you have dreams? Have you ever been having a great dream…but then it just ended. If you’re like me, then there are times where I’ll try to fall back asleep to finish that dream. 9 times out of 10, it doesn’t work.  But there is something about dreaming that takes us to another world.  It gives us hope to believe.  It gives us strength from out of nowhere.  If you’re a sports fan, maybe you’ve pictured yourself making the winning Home Run. It’s the 9th inning, down by 2, 2 outs with bases loaded…the stage is set for you to be the hero.  Or maybe you’re a hopeless romantic that pictures the details of your wedding day. You could even have a dream on how you want to help less fortunate people on the other side of the world.  Whatever the dream is, I’m sure it’s been in your heart for awhile.  You’ve probably rehearsed it many times.  My facebook cover has a quote that really caught my attention not too long ago, “Don’t let your dreams stay dreams.”

As another year passes in my life, I have been really thinking about that question in my own life.  I have some obvious dreams and some not so obvious dreams in my own life. I won’t list them, but a dream I that don’t want to give up on is writing a few books.  I never was a genius in english growing up…so don’t really know where this desire came from.  But I think with a mixture of my childhood, friendships, relationships, my faith and experience…writing has become a part of my life.

Here are a few things I think we can all learn from the story I opened up with about dreams:

1. Dream Big – I’m a firm believer that no dream is too crazy to achieve.  I love to dream. From my story earlier, I had a dream that my parents would one day reunite.  It never happened but what I had to realize over the years is that in order to achieve a dream, adjustments will have to be made along the way.  I’m blessed to say that my parents are still apart of my life. So while no dream is too big, be open for change and have a plan.  A dream is just not going to happen by our will…there needs to be a plan of action.

2. Dream, Don’t Daydream –  Now I’m not picking on any daydreamers.  I remember so many of the friends I had in high school and probably some of the youth that attend my church…we’ve all been guilty of falling asleep or going to another world while someone else was talking to us.  That world we often slip into is usually not reality.  That reminds me of when I was 8, I was trying to live in a dream world for too long.  I was hoping that one day I’d wake up and everything would go back to how it was. I was living in denial of what was real and what I wanted reality to be. We can’t live in a dream world.

3. Dream Today – The best time to start dreaming is today.  Live in the present, but plan for the future.  There are so many people around us who are living their dream so that shouldn’t stop us from living ours.  I still have a lot of dreams to live in my own life. I’ve got a family to raise, men to disciple, ministries to build, books to write, a church to help, a world to travel, people to reach…and that’s just the beginning of the list.  What about you? Don’t wait for the right time, you’ll probably keep waiting till it’s too late. I finally did a few things this week that I have put off for awhile and man do I feel better about finally doing them.  Start today!

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Filed under Personal Growth, Personal Reflection

Call Me, Maybe (Part 1)

“In the womb, that heel, Jacob, got the best of his brother. When he grew up, he tried to get the best of God. But God would not be bested. God bested him. Brought to his knees, Jacob wept and prayed. God found him at Bethel. That’s where he spoke with him.” – Hosea 12: 2-3

Over the past few months, I really feel like God has been doing a new thing within my life.  I guess I can call it a gut check…maybe even a spiritual tune up.  The following is not just based upon personal devotion…but also personal experience.  I had the privilege to share the following message with God’s Anointed Now Generation in Whittier.  If you’re taking the time to read this, I pray that you take some time to evaluate yourself as well.  Be blessed!

In Hosea, we read a short story of a man by the name of Jacob.  We get a quick snap shot of his life.  I think we can all relate with Jacob in many ways.  I just want to share 4 quick things that God showed me about the life of Jacob (2 in this blog, and 2 in the next).

1.  He wanted what he couldn’t have

Ever been here before? Ever wanted something so bad, that you kind of planned out how you were going to make it happen?  Maybe you wanted a car? A job? An iPhone 5? You get the picture. Or maybe you brought your request before God…then even went on to tell Him how He should make it come to pass? Well, that’s exactly what Jacob did.  Since he wasn’t the oldest, he kind of took it upon himself to bless himself so to speak.  One day when his brother was hunting, he cooked up a pot of stew.  I really don’t know what he put in it…the Bible describes it as lentil soup.  But he must of had the house smelling good…because once his brother got home, the stage was set.  After a long day of hunting, Esau was ‘famished’ the bible says.  He was probably to the point of what most of us today would label as “starving.” Jacob took advantage of the situation and offered a trade…a bowl of soup for Esau’s birthright.  In the end, Jacob got what he wanted…but would later pay the consequences.  It’s the same story today…so many times we can go out of the will of God.  Instead of waiting on Him (which I know is hard, in that place myself right now)…we’ll bless ourselves.  We’ll justify it in our head. Maybe Jacob thought, “I deserve it,” “my Mom loves me more,” “I should of been born first,” “Esau doesn’t really care about his birthright,” and on and on.  Be careful not to bless yourself…it just might take you out of the will of God.

2.  He talked to the wrong people

After this situation took place, Jacob comes up with a plan.  And who does he talk to about this plan? God? I wish that would of been the person.  It was actually his mom.  But wait…are you saying I can’t talk to my mom? Nope! I’m just saying we have a tendency to talk to other people before we talk to God.  With the love of technology soaring at an all time high…we sometimes run to our phones, our computers or the person right next to us when things go wrong in our lives.  Who do you run to when things take place in your life? I tend to think, think, think…and sometimes over think things in my life.  I’ve been guilty of this too.  Sometimes, when I want a quick response I’ll ask a trusted friend, post a status update on facebook or other things.  Ever been there?  One act led Jacob to come up with a deceiving plan with his mom (it was actually her idea).  That’s what happens when we talk to the wrong people without talking to God…we’ll trust their opinion.  I think Jacob had this tendency because he was a people pleaser.  He really cared too much what people thought…and even more what his mom thought.  What we’ll see later is that as we draw closer to God…it won’t matter what we think about ourselves or even what others think…but what does God think about us?

I’ll continue in the next blog with the other two points…but the overall theme that God really has been challenging me with was to spend more time with him in prayer and call on him! There are so many things that I’ve wanted to put my hand in….but God is really challenging my trust in him right now.  And it’s hard!




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